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SpeciesImperial Eagle
ProjectHELICON LIFE+ (2012-2016)
SponsorLIFE Nature
Ring codeA208
ManufacturerMicrowave Telemetry, Inc.
PTT code116510
PTT weight45
Accumulator typeSolar
Tagging date2012-07-03
Tagging placeJászság
First data2012-07-03 15:00:00
Last data2014-04-30 00:00:00
Number of data1137
DescriptionNamed after Gabriella Szabó, the Hungarian gold medalist of the 2012 Londoni Olimpic games (kayak-canoe, K4/500m). Our largest explorer eagle, already start her migration to the south in October, crossed the Balkan peninsula, flew cross the Mediterranean sea in one day, crossed the Sahara and Sahel in 3 weeks, and stopped for wintering at the West-African Savanna. She has visited 15 countries and served the first record of the species from several West-African countries. Her last signals were received at 23 January 2013 from Ghana, when the tag went wrong. Fortunately the bird is alive, and was observed several times at Pantelleria (70 km from Tunisia to the direction of Sicily) between April and October 2013.